Invisalign® – Practical And Discreet Orthodontics

Smile With Confidence Again

Would you love to improve the placement and aesthetics of your smile but are not interested in wearing bulky traditional metal braces? At Callie + Michael Romenesko: A Family Dental Studio, we are happy to provide an alternative option that is popular among many of our adult patients. Invisalign® allows patients to receive orthodontic care in a discreet and comfortable manner without the use of metal brackets and wires that can be unsightly and irritate the cheeks and mouth.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a popular orthodontic treatment that uses clear aligner trays to slowly transition the teeth into the desired placement. Patients love this option because not only are the trays clear and almost invisible, but they are also removable. We are happy to meet with candidates to determine if they are eligible for treatment. One of the popular features of this treatment is that we can show a digital rendering of your smile before and after treatment. We are able to walk you through the steps of the projected change in your smile during each tray. Similar to traditional braces, Invisalign can treat issues such as:

  • Crooked teeth
  • Crowded teeth
  • Gapped teeth
  • Teeth with minor bite issues

Benefits of Invisalign

As mentioned above, aside from being clear, one of the biggest benefits of Invisalign is the ability to remove the trays. This allows patients to continue to enjoy their favorite foods with no restrictions. It also allows patients to continue to clean and floss their teeth as before. This helps to prevent common decay issues that are found while wearing traditional metal braces. Patients also enjoy being given a number of trays to change in the comfort of their own homes, eliminating the need for multiple appointments in our office.

If you are located in Appleton, WI or the surrounding area and are interested in learning more about Invisalign for you or a loved one, be sure to contact our office to schedule an appointment. We look forward to helping improve your smile!